Random thoughts of being a Design Ninja & more in Circles.Life

My Articles

How Authentic Leadership is the New Normal

An authentic leadership style is driven by motivation, perseverance and transparency to employees, peers and the overall environment. The article captured the main essence of it and I’m going to break down the traits that resonated with me the most, summarising them into 3 points of the 5 traits

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pearlyn yeo
3 ways to continuously engage your team(s)

I’ve been holding to a few teams for awhile, namely Design, Content, CRM as well as Web Development. Many have commented - this is a broad portfolio, how do you manage…etc. While I completely acknowledge the fact of matter that it IS alot & I’m working on fixing it, I’ve taken some time to reflect on how I grew these teams & how I sustained my energy (lol) spanning across them.

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